Why body Shape Matters?

Many doctors believe that the waist measurement is important when it comes to your health.

Although the body mass index (BMI) is a good way to find out if he was healthy weight, but it does not tell the whole story.

BMI is a measure of how healthy weight for your height. You can find out your BMI using to body mass index (BMI) healthy weight.
Why body shape matters?
If the body mass index above the health limit, it means that you have excess fat. But did you know that your health may be greater risk depending on the place of storage of fat?

Store backup body fat under the skin and around the vital organs in the abdomen, too. Cause fat around the abdomen more than fat around the buttocks Oalfajven health problems.

Expose the existence of a large amount of fat around the abdomen (compared with fat around the buttocks or thighs) greater likelihood of developing diabetes type 2 and heart problems.

If you have a lot of fat around your belly, you can get tips from the video at the bottom of this page on how to lose.

Measuring your waist

To find the true waist, Sense hip bone from one side.

Move up until you feel the bones of the lower ribs. There is the mid-waist. For most people is important to have a navel.

Use the first mirror to see what you do and make measuring easier.


• ideal: less than 80 cm (32 inches)

• high: from 80 to 88 cm (32 to 35 inches)

• very high: more than 88 cm (35 inches)


• ideal: less than 94 cm (37 inches)

• high: from 94 to 102 cm (37 inches to 40 inches)

• Very Almertqa: more than 102 cm (40 inches)

How to calculate your waist to hip ratio

The dimensions Alkhtran your health is simple. Use a tape measure and follow these steps:

1. Measure and prosaic

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2. measuring your waist

Indicate a ratio of 1 or more in men or 0.85 Ooakther in women that have a lot of weight around their midst. This exposes you to the risk of growing to diseases that are associated with obesity, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Your body shape

If you have excess weight around the abdomen, this means that you as a "apple." Those who carry excess fat around the hips and thighs are as a "pear".

Will benefit anyone who has overweight anywhere in the body of this weight loss.

But if you form an apple, it is important specifically to take action to reach a healthy weight.

You can do this by making changes to the lifestyle to improve your diet and increase physical activity.

Physical activity can improve the health of any person who is overweight, it is not a matter of burning calories only, but will benefit the heart, lungs and circulatory system as well.

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