8 Exercises Household to Burn Fat And Stimulate the Body

A healthy mind in a healthy body, to reach a healthy body on a regular basis should exercise, but some may find it difficult to go to the gym and exercise to narrow their time so they will offer you through this article exercises an important group and you can do it yourself at home.

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8 Exercises Household to Burn Fat And Stimulate the Body

Home exercises to burn fat at home

1 - push-ups

Pressure are the most important exercise for the body as it is an exercise includes muscle triglyceride and muscle shoulder front and back and chest and thigh muscle calves also, and most important benefits that stimulates circulation and strengthens the nerves and build muscle fibers and stimulates the heart, and the method of exercise is that you lie on your stomach and the uniqueness of your arms Then your body up off the ground a few inches and on your fingers and then fall to the ground slowly until your chest touches the ground.

2. squat session

The squat exercises are considered as very important exercises you can do to stand upright, then bend down until you reach the status , this bunks important for muscles lower part of the body pelvis and legs burns his fat in this region with its application every day for ten minutes at least, and the more Duration whenever the results were in that region WEIGHT easier and faster.

3. Exercise crawl

It is also important exercises do not take a long time, and is practiced by standing upright, then tilt the body to the front of the ground point with built upon hands, to maintain the integrity of the legs with a slight bend of the knee, and then walk right foot and then the right hand, and then walk left-footed Then the left hand, and continued to do a specific time and repeat the exercise several times.

4. Exercise (build on the elbows)

This exercise helps to strengthen the shoulders and the heart muscle, and is practiced by lying down on the ground and face down, and then load the entire body on your knees and forearms, then was based on the elbow instead of the forearms, and on your toes instead of your knees, and keep your back in an upright position, then Stability in this situation a few seconds and you can repeat that for a minute.

5. Exercise Yoga

Yoga is considered the most important of relaxation exercises as yoga different their situation is working to strengthen the muscles and joints also help get rid of some diseases, such as neck and back pain due to stress on during your business.

6. Exercise jump

It is also important, easy and simple exercise can be done using a homemade do trampoline to jump several times, what distinguishes this exercise, that all parts of the body moving and shaking through it during the jump.

7. Exercise Glide forward

This is an important exercise to strengthen the muscles of the legs, stand upright, put your arms at your waist, Make Your Move left forward at right angles, with the right leg bend, and proved in this position for 30 seconds, then go back again to set the beginning and repeat the exercise.

8. Exercise long steps

It is considered of easy exercises to strengthen the muscles of the legs, where you can practice at home without the need for any tools, because you need here to body weight only, where the practice of this exercise is through progress leg and then built upon the body with bent then progress other leg .. and so on.

These exercises despite the ease and simplicity, but they are very important health and physical benefits so be sure that you performed and practiced until compensate not going to the gym and maintain your health and vitality and agility and appearance of your body

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