Chocolate Diet Now you Can Use Chocolate for Weight loss

Diet Chocolate  .. all kinds and shapes are the main cause of obesity and the first defendant in the case of weight gain It's also one of the types of foods that cause a feeling of happiness. But the latest research has shown that chocolate is innocent of all the charges patent wolf from the blood of the son of Jacob On the contrary, it may some benefits in slimming Now, with follow tips Nutrition experts months you can eat chocolate in the right way and lost some kilos. 

The chewing 1 or 2 square chocolate a day helps to lose some kilos, contrary to what many it contained chocolate believed an important source , and is an anti-oxidant molecules that also works to promote metabolism (the process metabolism) of glucose in the body so it helps your body to burn sugar and prevent it from storage lotion.

Diet Chocolate 

1-health benefits of chocolate

Chocolate treasures of benefits for the health of it is rich and raise the morale of the people as it helps the body to relax. 

The cocoa is good for women, especially women often to this precious metal as that is also rich in cocoa phosphorus, iron and manganese. It also has antioxidant benefit in the fight against heart disease and diseases of the arteries is a distinct mixture of Health and well-being.

2-the selection of the type of chocolate

To take advantage of chocolate without risk you choose species that contain a high concentration of cocoa increased by about 70% not least because this type of chocolate contains less fat and sugar, so choose chocolate black or dark it is the most rich in cocoa and less fat and sugar and are therefore best to maintain the Fitness and try to taste and experience are fun and delicious. 

You can also enjoy a drink by adding chocolate milk skim cocoa powder and sugar sweeten one of the alternatives it healthy. In contrast, beware of chocolate milk and chocolate caramel.

3-chocolate diet

You can eat chocolate a day without adversely affecting the diet. The secret lies in you to be rational and moderate in not eat carbohydrates all you need him is a specific diet, a system of not more than 1,400 daily calories are not allowed at one price increase and begin .


-Cup skim milk without  one sugar substitutes

-2 or 3 teaspoons cocoa powder or 2 square chocolate

-30 grams of bread and 10 grams of butter

-Cup fat-free yogurt without sugar


-Created a large salad of fresh vegetables additions light devoid of any such creamy lemon and vinegar

-125 grams red meat skimmed or fresh fish cooked vegetables to steam and can add 5 grams butter

-Cup fat-free yogurt without sugar or sugar substitutes a local one


After two hours

4 chocolate boxes approximately 20 grams


-Dish salad or soup, fresh vegetables with a little lemon or vinegar

-125 grams veal or fish

-100 grams of rice or pasta cooked with 5 grams of any fatty substance

-Any amount of cooked steamed vegetables as desired

-25 grams low-fat cheese


In the evening, or at least two hours after dinner
4 chocolate cubes or approximately 20 grams of it.

Read More : Tips For Losing weight

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