13 Prescription Weight Popular for Weight loss Firm

Obesity is a disease that is physically and mentally as well as socially! If you've tried all ways and unable to lose weight yet, you are missing a lack of willpower and discipline and proper planning or implementation, or the appropriate therapies. In this article we will learn about home remedies and herbal treatments for obesity that will make you lose weight faster than any other treatment. 

13 Prescription Weight Popular for Weight loss Firm

While these treatments can give very quick results, you must understand that it has to be long-term commitment to change dietary habits and physical activity levels. Without a proper balance in the diet and exercise, can not be an effective home treatment in any form. However, if you increase your physical activity and changing dietary habits to suit the needs of your body, these home remedies that give results in less than 1-2 months or even less than that. These treatments are fast does not make you expect to lose weight in just 7 days or so! This period is too short to lose weight and maintain a healthy body what it needs in vitamins and minerals.


Here 13 prescription WEIGHT popular for weight loss firm

1. lemon juice and honey in the water:
Can this mixture that increases the metabolic rate, which is very simple just drink lemon juice and honey mixed in a glass of water. This treatment really works and gives quick results.

You will need:

1 cup of water
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon honey


Add lemon juice and honey to the water, mix well, drink early in the morning on an empty stomach, is repeated daily.

Can be prepared in the mix of lemon and honey at night before going to bed. You may lose up to 8 Bond in two weeks with this treatment.

2. Add black pepper in lemon juice:

The lemon juice with honey is a wonderful drink as a treatment for obesity, may also includes the addition of black pepper powder to increase the metabolism in the body. 

Here's the recipe.

You will need:

1 cup of lukewarm water
4 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon honey


Add pepper, lemon juice and honey to lukewarm water, then mix well, drink a day once or twice. Continue for 2-3 months until at least gives the results.

3. Drink tea detoxification throughout the day:

When you start to lose weight, you only have to keep the digestive system healthy and break all the accumulated fat in the body, but also to remove all toxins from the body. When you detox, you allow for all body systems to operate at full capacity, including metabolism. Therefore, drinking tea detoxification every day early in the morning and drink it hot or warm throughout the day.

You will need:

½ teaspoon cumin seeds
½ teaspoon coriander seeds
½ teaspoon fennel seeds
4 cups of water
Thermos flask


In the morning, boil 4 cups of water, add cumin, coriander and fennel seeds to boiling water, allow it to boil for five minutes, then strain the tea and stored in a thermos flask.
This tea eating small amounts throughout the day. You must be hot or at least warm to give good results.

In the beginning, may take some time to adjust to your taste of this tea, you may feel that the strong taste a little bit of that, you can start a detox system by adding ¼ teaspoon each seed you have to 4 cups of water and then after about two weeks of use tea can increase the quantity gradually become half a teaspoon.

4. Cabbage can do miracles:

Green cabbage leaf is a good source of vitamin C, fiber, potassium and many other nutrients. This fiber-rich vegetables have a lower number of calories and fat as compared to any other vegetable. When Add cabbage in your daily diet, not only is useful to take advantage of all its components, but also to stop sugar and carbohydrates consumed in converted to fat. This is done because of the presence of tartaric acid in the cabbage, it does not allow for sugar and carbohydrates in the body that takes the form of fat which reduces obesity. Either cooked, or added to a freshly where power includes the addition of cabbage in at least one of your daily meals.

5. Ginger to lose weight:

Ginger is an herb is very common, in fact, in some parts of the world such as Asia will be known as the everyday spices instead of the herb because of its extensive use in cooking purposes. Some ancient medicine systems such as traditional Chinese medicine used ginger for medical purposes.

What is more surprising is that recent research has shown the uses of ginger is much more than traditional medicine. Include the treatment of nausea and vomiting that results from motion sickness, chemotherapy for cancer or pregnancy using ginger.

How ginger in weight loss:

It improves digestion by increasing the pH of the stomach and stimulate the enzymes in the digestive tract. This leads to the rapid absorption of essential nutrients and elimination of non-essential items. This means that ginger helps the digestive system to be effective, leading to the optimal use of energy. In short, it helps the body use sugar in the blood and stored fat efficiently.

One study showed that the Dutch ginger enhances the rate of metabolism in the body by up to 20%, and thus is a successful way not only to treat obesity but also to reduce the level of cholesterol.

Another study of Obesity Research Center in New York and Columbia University have shown that ginger promotes a feeling of fullness after eating. For that ginger helps you lose weight by increasing the feeling of fullness after a meal.

How to use ginger for the treatment of obesity:

Ginger can be used in two ways:

Chewing a piece (or ½ 1 inch) fresh ginger a day before meals.
Or drinking ginger tea, and have it daily after meals.
To make ginger tea, you will need:
½ teaspoon of ginger powder (you can also use a 1-inch piece of fresh ginger root)
1 cup of water
1 tablespoon honey (optional)


Boil the water, add ginger powder to boil for about 5 minutes, then add honey, and mixed well.

6. Curry to get rid of excess fat in the body:

Curry leaves are one of the aromatic herbs used widely in Indian dishes, those from South India especially. These securities stimulate digestive enzymes help digest food more easily, which helps in the efficiency of nutrients. Thus, you can maintain a good rate of metabolism through the use of curry leaves.

How to use curry leaves for weight loss:

Chewing a few curry leaves, about 8-10 papers, a day on an empty stomach in the morning for a period of at least 3 months.

7. mint a new way to lose weight:

Had recommended mint leaves as a treatment for obesity by since ancient times. Recent studies indicate that the mint herb is very helpful when it comes to losing weight. Study of Wheeling University in West Virginia reported that eating mint leaves reduce the feeling of hunger. This study says that eating a mint or even inhaling the smell of mint increases brain activity in the region, which controls alertness. This in turn limits the snacks between meals and helps to stimulate energy. Mint not only increases your sense of fullness and satisfaction after eating, it also enhances the senses of taste as well as smell. This means that you will be satisfied with food and curb the desire to eat more of other foods.

How to use mint for weight loss:

Making sauce of fresh mint leaves and these include the sauce in your daily diet. If you were not heard about the sauce, this sauce is a spicy condiment of Indian origin. It uses many of the vegetables, especially green leafy herbs and fruits as well as for making the sauce with the main diet.

Basic recipe for making mint sauce are as follows:

You will need:

1 package of fresh mint leaves
1 pill of tomato
1 grain of green chili
Salt to taste
2-3 tablespoons of cilantro (optional) - (some people find mint over and they add coriander leaves to avoid the bitter taste)


Wash the mint, and cut the tomatoes and green peppers.

Now mix all the ingredients mint, tomatoes, salt, chili pepper and green leaves and coriander as well as grinding to get the sauce, it will look like a green paste. You do not need to add any water because the mint and tomatoes also contain enough water to give you the appropriate strength of the sauce.

We now have the mint sauce that can be dealt with many of the meals. Smell and taste the sauce also enhance the taste of the dishes. And can be used with bread or making sandwiches with other vegetables. Can mix it with milk for yogurt mint flavor. If you use mint widely daily, it reduces weight by up to six kilometers during 40-45 days, provided that continues to exercise the order of the day and sports.

8. Use the treatment of three herbs combined:

 mentions many of the herbs that have effectiveness in reducing obesity quickly. One of these herbs. in fact, is a combination of three herbs are herbs . 

These are sometimes called super foods because of the excellent ingredients and nutrients
 is a natural antioxidant and helps remove infections of the body as well as keep the sugar levels in healthy blood.

is an herb reduces the accumulation of fat and fluids in the body. However, they all work well when embedded with some form.

You can get powder from any shop selling herbs.

You will need:
½ teaspoon of powder 
1 tablespoon of flaxseed
½ cup of hot water

In addition components and flaxseed - in warm water, mix well, drink a day, preferably at night before going to bed. Those susceptible to the movements of loose fibers also great for constipation.

9. spices way to get rid of obesity:

Your body needs all kinds of spices in the food to feel satisfied. Sweet, salty, sour, bitter and  and clutch. All tastes that you have in all your food either sweet taste, salty or sour, alone or in combination. But there are other such tasteless warm spices and spice powder preparation and use in curry dishes, and gravy, for all tastes during the day.

You will need:

5 tablespoons of coriander seeds
½ teaspoon cumin seeds
½ teaspoon mustard seeds
Promises of cinnamon
5 whole cloves
2 teaspoon of turmeric


Mix all spices except turmeric powder, grind together to get a fine powder, powder output spice mixture in a pot lid and add the turmeric powder and mix well. Now use a small amount (may be ¼ to ½ teaspoon or even more) of this powder in the dishes.

10. rid of carbohydrates in your body with white beans:

One of the tricks to lose weight is to avoid having a lot of carbohydrates. Where you can prevent the body naturally absorb carbohydrates and will not get a break carbohydrates into sugars will not be absorbed into the bloodstream to be stored as fat, white beans actually doing it naturally. White beans inhibit the enzyme amylase in the digestive system to break down carbohydrates into sugars. For these reasons, the white bean extract found in pharmacies in the form of medicine has flooded the market to lose weight quickly. However, you can cook white beans, but you should be very careful while cooking because there are some other ingredients in these pills, which can be toxic to your body. Raw beans contain high amounts of a toxic plant, which lead to the symptoms that are similar to food poisoning, such as nausea, and vomiting, stomach cramps, and diarrhea.

How to cook white beans to lose weight:

You can get canned white beans, but is healthy because of the presence of sodium and added dry beans and the presence of preservatives.

Dry white beans soak overnight in water. If not overnight, must be soaked for at least 8 hours, in the morning, get rid of the water that has been soaking in it.

Rinse beans well and climb until it is fully cooked. You can use a pressure cooker for this purpose.

This fully cooked beans can be eaten in different dishes. These are some suggestions:
Add them to power.

Grinding beans cooked with garlic, cumin and chili to add to the bread-making sandwiches and delicious bean soup making.

11. drinking tea to burn more fat:

When you eat or drink something to lose weight, try to reduce the weight
In two ways: 

either increase the burn extra calories or prevent the absorption of nutrients, which include fats and carbohydrates served basis Chinese black tea a significant increase in calorie burning by burning fat from your body, has supported many research this fact. Chinese study has shown that when you are constantly black tea consumption for a period of six weeks, it can greatly reduce body weight. Another study conducted by the United States in the Research Services says when they are drinking tea, it can burn 67 calories or more per day. Aside from caffeine and an antioxidant called , tea contain  polymer component responsible for burning body fat. However, the drinking tea just can not get rid of his obesity. tea can enhance the opportunity to receive less weight quickly when you exercise, enough sleep and eating a balanced diet with eating this tea.
How to deal with tea to lose weight:
A cup of tea 30 minutes before to 60 minutes before eating a meal or before exercise, such as walking, and exercise in the gym, aerobics, yoga, swimming, or any other practice gymnastics. Eating tea in the afternoon, this will reduce the desire to eat and reduce appetite.

12. Drink water with honey and cinnamon:

Cinnamon can be normal insulin levels in the blood sugar is called. It also increases the metabolism of glucose, and cinnamon are the remedy established for diabetes as well as obesity. Where he is not allowed to raise the level of sugar in the blood and reduces fat storage. Along with honey, it can be a great remedy for weight loss.

You will need:

½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder
1 tablespoon honey
1 cup of water


Boil water, put cinnamon powder in a cup, pour hot water on the cinnamon powder, leaves even calms, add honey to the water, then drink it. Drinking cinnamon and honey twice a day in the morning and at night before going to bed half an hour.

13. seeds to lose fat from the abdomen:

Black seeds derived from the black bean plant, is used not only as a spice in some Asian countries, but is also used as a medicine by alternative medicine in many countries.
seeds are used to treat almost all diseases, and more importantly, to build and strengthen immunity and immune seeds and olive oil has many benefits for more than one hundred disease because it contains essential oils components, the basic elements, vitamins, enzymes, carbohydrates, and fifteen different amino acid type, and crude fiber , proteins, fatty acids, including and acids, and essential oils, iron, sodium, potassium and calcium.
If used oil will need to:

½ teaspoon cumin oil
2 tablespoons honey
½ 1 cup of lukewarm water


Mixing honey and oil in lukewarm water, drink twice a day.
When using this treatment, avoid eating rice.

If used Nigella sativa seeds will need to:

Lemon juice
And a half cup of warm water
Are drinking on an empty stomach in the morning.
Add lemon juice to 1 cup of warm water and drink it, then swallow cumin seeds with half a cup of warm water.
Breakfast after half an hour at least.

Remember that the seeds of very hot and just enough small quantities. Should not be more than 6-7 seeds having more of these seeds may have a negative impact on your health rather than reduce abdominal fat, use one or more of the methods of the above treatments for obesity, combined with physical activity, patience and determination to lose weight fast.

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