Why you Should Eat Salad? 4 Reasons

There are four reasons why the health of us are keen on taking power in his food and meals. Namely:
Why you Should Eat Salad? 4 Reasons

1. Power your way to eat fiber.

We need fiber to prevent constipation, and the most important drugs treat constipation contain natural fibers. Fiber and our means to reduce the intestinal absorption of cholesterol. And also to adjust and «brake» speed at which the absorption of sugars. Medical sources and notes that people who eat fiber, less weight than those who do not consume.

2. give power minerals and vitamins and antioxidants.

When one of us is a salad ingredients, add either tomato or option or lettuce or parsley or carrot or celery or cabbage or watercress, or pepper or other colorful vegetables, we collect varying amounts of vitamins and minerals. It is known that vitamins and minerals are essential components vital for the body, not made by the body, but it obtained from food.

3. reduce the feeling of hunger and reduce food intake.

And eat the contents of the salad bowl process that requires chewing and swallowing and fill part of the stomach mass food. 

These food bloc few calorie content of Energy . As a result, the salad bowl and a way to fill part of the feeling of hunger, filling part of the stomach to a light diet. 

Because the authorities are rich in fiber, they slow down the absorption of sugars for a longer period. So it handled power in Ramadan means to prolong the duration of the blood supply of food sugars. As a result, at least the feeling of hunger, not easily reduced the amount of sugar in the blood, fasting during daylight hours.

4. Light a way to get healthy fats.

When power is prepared dish health the way, is added to the various types of fatty cut vegetables, fruits and pieces of crushed nuts, and a little olive oil. These healthy fats in addition they provide the body with high-quality interest, it also facilitates the intestinal absorption of antioxidants in operation at high rates in colored fresh vegetables.

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