The Best ways to lose the Rumen and Burn body fat

The best ways to lose the rumen and burn body fat

WEIGHT rumen and burn belly fat

Do you have large blocs fatty abdominal area and the center? Are you tired of this theme and Osabk frustration and depression? Are you ARE DISSATISFIED look in clothes? 

Did you and you tens of attempts by running tens of kilometers and bought hundreds of devices and drugs (or thousands?) Of pounds to resolve this problem? 

Do not worry and do not be sad. This article will help you to quickly allocate the rumen until the last gram fat. Half of you will only way to get on the belly of a tight and strong and attractive. 

And you will not need to read any other article or falling victim to lie and deceive misleading television ads.

The Best ways to lose the Rumen and Burn body fat

The risk of rumen fat:

There are two forms of the conglomerate body fat. There is what is called a pear, and is a conglomerate of fat in the buttocks or lower part of the body. 

There is an apple shape, and is a conglomerate of fat in the abdominal area and the middle. And "paunchy" not only cause superficial and aesthetic problems, but conglomerate abdominal fat increases the chances of heart attack and stroke and diabetes and high blood pressure.

WEIGHT abdomen

Vdhun rumen does not lie in its place static. But the researchers found that fat rumen live as members, secrete hormones and harmful substances on the body. Vdhun rumen easily breaks up fatty acids to move to the liver, causing a significant rise in the percentage of bad cholesterol LDL. This is in addition to fat rumen affect the effectiveness of the hormone insulin hormone, which leads to the accumulation of sugar and fat bloodstream, which in turn leads to diabetes and heart disease.

And rumen affects men more than women, and this explains that the incidence of heart disease than men.

Add to that, the researchers discovered a high correlation between the accumulation of fat rumen and erectile dysfunction in men.


What are the ways to lose failed rumen?

exercises to flatten the abdomen:

Tummy tuck exercises are necessary for all the athletes and trainees lifting weights. Abdominal exercises help to strengthen the trunk and protect the vertebrae from injury. If your stomach muscles are weak and you carry a great weight on your back (such as exercise Alsquat), the muscles of the lumbar (lower back) incur each pregnancy to save the balance of the body. 

Causing stress or injury to the back, God forbid. Despite the importance of abdominal exercises, but this does not mean that the performance of hundreds of trucks abdomen is the solution to lose the rumen. Conversely, abdominal exercises lead to an increase in the size of the abdominal muscles. Rumen, which pushes forward and give intimation to increase the size of the rumen.

Studies and process all attempts proved that it is very difficult to target fat in a particular area. Whether in the abdomen or buttocks or any other area.

thermal underwear

It is common in Egypt and the Arab world and millions in a trick and thermal underwear lie slimming. I saw with my own eyes dozens of trainees wear the abdomen thermal belt in the changing rooms at the gym. And this because they believe they are coming out excess abdominal fat through sweat. 

And this belief completely wrong. Fats is a break down fatty acids in the blood and turn into glucose for use in energy. And never go out through sweat. Add to that your risk of dehydration and heat stroke because of these clothes. Read extensively about this myth or if you know your friend is convinced the usefulness of thermal underwear, sent him the subject.

The full truth of thermal clothing and slimming shorts and abdominal belt



There are two types of drugs covered by those who want to get rid of the rumen. Oral medications or topical paints. There are those who deals with drugs such as Zanekal or Hetokall or hydroxy or cut Libo 6. And there are those who painted creams bought by TV ads without any avail. Let me ask you personally .. 

if these medications are working, do you like it took to read this article? If these medications are working, there would have been a problem of obesity in the Arab world and the whole world. Add to that, some of these drugs have serious repercussions on health.


Liposuction actually succeed in liposuction topically. When you burn fat through dieting, the fat cells do not disappear, but they shrink in size. But Ishvt liposuction fat cells under the skin of the whole. 

This means that the fat does not accumulate in this region in the future. And this is not a good thing. Because when you continue to bad food habits and gaining new fat, the fat accumulates around the suction area abnormally and cause considerable aesthetic defects in the abdominal area. Add to this, liposuction serious process and may have caused the death of many patients.

Medical published to New England for the deaths of liposuction:

What better ways to allocate the rumen?

The accumulation of fat in the body style is different from person to person. Different genes and sex and other factors. When gaining excess fat, they are not evenly distributed on the body. But for most men, the fat accumulates on the abdomen first and then the rest of the body.

And contrary at the loss of body fat. The man may lose fat first from the face or the chest, abdomen and left a region somewhere else for fat loss.

Simple analogy for the process of the loss of abdominal fat, is the process of emptying the pool. Imagine swimming pool with two levels. The level for children (shallow) and level for adults (deep) also is in the picture. When removing the water from the bathroom, the deep region remains the last area with water. Until all the water removal.

WEIGHT LOSS paunchy belly

If Thread simply, to lose the rumen must all body fat loss. And have patience. The onset of the abdominal muscles (WRX PAC) starts at the ratio of 12% fat. As we explained it can not be targeted abdominal fat topically. This is impossible.

And there is such a common (abdominal attractive are made in the kitchen and not in the gym). Any attention to a healthy diet and you eat fewer calories than what you need is the most convenient way to burn belly fat.

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