Slimming want without diet and exercise without calisthenics? You can achieve this as soon make some changes in your daily diet and healthy life style. For example, specify a certain number of calories and when determining
the foods that certainly holds that this system is an additional
benefit and lose weight without exercise know him eat.
Steps slimming without diet and without exercise hard
The first step, attention will eat what?1. prefers eating a cup of water or herbal tea before each meal or before meals only: When you feel hungry may be linked to the thirsty and eat once a full glass of water before a meal a few minutes to work on reducing the sense of hunger.
When you eat a cup full of water before a meal, the water up to your stomach and helps you feel comfortable and reduce the amount of food you eat.
Do not try to sugary juices experience never to you in this case harm diet you can add a slice of lemon to a glass of water to add flavor.2. Determine the calories: in order to follow the diet helps you lose weight should follow a simple way and is to determine the number of calories and work to burn calories you eat regularly and make sure the calories you eat.
You can find out metabolic rate (metabolism) even if you're not doing exercise and through knowledge of the calories that are in the foods you eat.
When trying to lose one kilogram per week are not forcing the system to starve yourself because one kilogram equals 3,500 calories and this means that you need to burn about 500 calories each day.3. Eat foods that take some time to be digested: This is because these foods help you increase the feeling of satiety for a longer period, as well as to maintain the metabolism. By eating foods that contain more fiber, such as:
Some fruits (including: berries, pears, apples).
Vegetables (such as peas, artichokes, broccoli).
Nuts and legumes (beans, almonds, lentils).
Grains (such as whole wheat pasta, bran flakes, barley).4. Eat small pieces of food: When dealing with any meal, try not to take a large piece and put it in your mouth, replace it with more of the small pieces. Because it forces you to eat slowly and increase the feeling of satiety.
So, you can divide the food before eating such meat cut into small pieces, or breaking bread into small bites.5. Use pots and small dishes: If you tend to eat cereals such as rice, pasta and spoon a large spoon you can exchange the smallest and also put food in smaller the best dishes.
The second part, whenever you eat?
1. Eat breakfast:Contrary to popular belief, which sometimes force you to give up breakfast on the grounds that they increase the weight of this talk is totally wrong you will gain more weight when they ignore this meal. Studies have reported that eating breakfast helps to increase the speed of metabolism and the start of its activity.
Therefore, activate metabolism in the morning and to improve the functions of the body as well.
You can eat foods that contain fiber or protein because these foods take time to be Hamadha For example, you can fresh vegetables or fruits or eggs or peanut butter experience.
2. Eat foods in equal periods:Try to eat as much as possible daily meals at the same time every day and because eating at regular intervals helps the body to regulate calorie burning process. And is not advisable not to bad dietary habits such as skipping eating any meal because that does not help in burning calories.Make a schedule for the dates of meals on a regular basis and to increase the feeling of satiety.3. Do not eat in front of the television or computer:If you eat while watching television or computer, you may find that there are no post mentality while eating. So turn off the TV or computer in order to savor every piece of food covered ..
Do not take snacks while viewing or flim series because this bad habit, pay to weight gain.
4. Control stress and tension:Can cause stress and anxiety to weight gain because some individuals feelings of tension and anxiety lead to eating more food. Studies have shown that when you eat, and you're not hungry adds a ton of calories unexpected to your diet. So, try to get rid of stress and tension, and not linked to eating.5. Avoid eating meals late at night:This is because the body does not burn calories while you sleep, and if you prefer to eat before going to sleep at night tried to experience any of these tips to get rid of this habit:Setting a date for a meal and preferably before going to sleep at least three hours, and if you want a snack you can do so before the eighth pm.Before going to sleep you can have a cup of herbal tea because it helps reduce the calories and makes you feel full.
Then listen to your body when it tells you to stop eating and do not overload stop eating because it does not help your stomach to enjoy the food.
Eat when not hungry, when you go to eat anything and especially of snacks a little thought, "Why eat, Am I really hungry."
Do not make your goal is to finish everything on your plate is because that is one of obesity factors.
Replace unhealthy foods.
Do not ignore breakfast because it will lead to obesity.
When you feel bored do not go to eat, try eating a bottle of water.
Do not go to shopping and groceries and you are hungry.
Eat at least 8 glasses of water a day.
Reduce the amount of food you eat at meals.
Then listen to your body when it tells you to stop eating and do not overload stop eating because it does not help your stomach to enjoy the food.
Eat when not hungry, when you go to eat anything and especially of snacks a little thought, "Why eat, Am I really hungry."
Do not make your goal is to finish everything on your plate is because that is one of obesity factors.
Replace unhealthy foods.
Do not ignore breakfast because it will lead to obesity.
When you feel bored do not go to eat, try eating a bottle of water.
Do not go to shopping and groceries and you are hungry.
Eat at least 8 glasses of water a day.
Reduce the amount of food you eat at meals.