7 decisions of your fitness you have to take in 2015

If you want to be distinctive from 2015 years of your life in the physical, you must take the 7 important decisions of your life physical, in your fitness training.

7 decisions of your fitness you have to take in 2015

1) Avoid high-calorie food intake:

It is loaded with food oils refined and full of carbohydrates, and replace them with fruit, potatoes, brown rice and quinoa.

2) do the exercises at least three days a week:

And it comes with a strong focus on Kalqrvsae exercises and weight lifting, and exercises the clouds, and that increase testosterone and growth hormone, which increases the production of muscle strength.

3) FREE gradual exercises:

 Do not start by weight which ends Ptdrebatk, but Make it scalable, and cared squat exercises, also increase the rest periods between different training groups.

4) Add a variety of different workouts each week:

This will be increased with training rounds from 10:15 tour, an increase of time of up to 30 seconds, which improves metabolism, burn fat.

5) Listen to the advice of professional bodybuilding:

With trying to implement many of the tips, and various training schemes carried out by professionals.

6) Stay away from bad friends:

You stay away from those who Egronk many temptations, food, habits and negative, as Adfonk foil, and failure in the training programs.

7) Give your body the right to sleep for a period of not less than 8 hours per day:

In order to maintain muscle and recovery, and allow to burn fat and calories, while maintaining a calm your growth without worry.

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