Healthy Diet Program To Lose Weight

To answer the perennial question "What healthy diet program to lose weight?" 

Are : any diet you can persevere for a long time? 

It should be good for your overall health - heart, bone, colon and psychological condition - as is good for your waist. The diet should provide a lot of good flavors and health options, remove certain foods, and without an extensive list and expensive than grocery stores or food supplements.

Healthy Diet Program To Lose Weight

healthy diet program to lose weight

The dozens of diets to lose weight in the spotlight for many years. 

But you do not follow relatively few diet based on deliberate strategies have been studied carefully based on numerous experiments. They include meals a few very fat (see below), such as the Ornish (Ornish) and Diet Pritikin (Pritikin); Low carbohydrate diets, such as Atkins (Atkins) South Beach (South Beach), and diet of the Mediterranean, which features additional feature is that contains a number of potential health benefits.

healthy diet program to lose weight

Low-fat: not taste great, and a few full extent only

The main strategy for weight loss depends on follow a low-fat diet, but these stood aside, later, for the benefit of low-carbohydrate diet. This is not a bad thing, necessarily, because both diets, especially low-fat, embraced the idea that fat makes you fat and bad fat for the heart. It is very powerful and influential argument, and that while some fats are good for the heart and remove them from the diet can cause some problems.

healthy diet program to lose weight

Been promoted dozens of diets low in fat over the years. One of the best known diets are Dr. Dean Ornish "plan to eat more, and less weight," which grew out of the cholesterol that has developed in the sixties and seventies of the last century hypothesis.

healthy diet program to lose weight

The idea was based on the reduction of cholesterol in the diet, because it contributes to heart disease. The researchers then realized that fat diet have a greater effect on heart disease, which stimulate low-fat diet. Dr. Ornish diet focused, originally, on the prevention of heart disease, but it turned out, later, to focus on weight loss.

healthy diet program to lose weight

Since knew that fat contains 9 calories per gram compared to 4 calories per gram of carbohydrate, you can theoretically double the food your consumption without earn more calories become, and by reducing the fatty foods and eat more whole foods, carbohydrates, especially water, fruits and vegetables rich. However, such a diet tends to be less satisfying flavor than other diets, which reduces the possibility of continuing it in the long run.

Keep in mind that the Ornish plan does not stop at the whole grain, vegetable, low-fat diet and a lot (less than 10% of calories from fat), but they also include exercise and stress management and support team. Pritikin principle Questions (who also grew up in the seventies of the last century) also determines fat diet with 10% of calories, and depends largely on vegetables, grains and fruits.

healthy diet program to lose weight

Although most diets have fans and opponents, but the reality is that when it comes to Briggam Weight Loss, the key is to reduce calories.

 Does not really matter whether those calories come mainly from steak, bread or vegetables. Several studies comparing diets with different proportions of fat, protein and carbohydrates provide strong evidence to support this claim, including the study led by researchers at Harvard University and published in 2009 in the New England Journal of Medicine. Multiple sites compared four different diets low calorie study (high-fat ratio and medium-protein, low-fat ratio and the proportion of high-protein, low-fat ratio and the proportion of medium-protein) to a group of 811 adults and the number who are overweight.

Although all the participants lost an average of about 13 pounds (equivalent to 5.9 kg) in the first six months (about 7% of the first weight), but they have started to regain what they have lost in one year. After two years, the average weight loss is the same in all categories.

healthy diet program to lose weight

In a previous study in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggested that the change does not come from a particular diet, but the most important is continuity in the system. In this study, the test persons suffering from obesity and overweight to follow a diet systems, such as Atkins, Ornish diet, weight watchers diet or area (which calls to 40/30/30 ratios of carbohydrates, protein and fat, respectively). 

One year later, it was nearly half of the participants had withdrawn from the study. Lost and those who completed the study, similar amounts of weight (about 5 to 7 pounds - the equivalent of 2/2 to 1/3 kilo, each, on average). It has been observed decrease in cholesterol levels in their blood, and many other signs associated with heart disease, diabetes, a similar degree. The people who followed the Atkins Diet and the Ornish more likely to withdraw from the study, which suggests that a lot of people found this very extreme plans. But restrictive plan be useful for some people.

healthy diet program to lose weight

Low carbohydrate: fast weight loss, but the question of long-term safety

Dr. Watkins announced the low-carb diet was first published in 1970, began mad diet of carbohydrates, which returned to strongly emerge in late 1990. 

The diet is the dream of a carnivore, with a big focus on the high-protein, meat and poultry (along with eggs and full-fat dairy products), while most of the exclusion of carbohydrates, such as rice, bread and pasta. South Beach diet, is one of the most popular diet that also limit the amount of carbohydrates systems, but urges people to avoid saturated fats (found in meat and processed foods) in favor of unsaturated fats (found in nuts and fish). It also allows for more whole grains, fruits and vegetables, making it a more systematic and balanced.

healthy diet program to lose weight

Low-carb eating strategy is based on the biological fact says that eating carbohydrates raises blood sugar levels, which leads to the flow of insulin from the pancreas. A step further this theory goes, claiming that high levels of insulin produces the sense of hunger, so the people who eat carbohydrates have more calories and weight gain. 

(antidote) of carbohydrates is fat, which gives a sense of satisfaction and more satiety. Therefore, people who follow a high-fat diet eat less and lose more weight. Diets low carbohydrate cause dehydration. To compensate for the lack of carbohydrates in the diet, the body consumes carbohydrates stored in the liver and muscle tissue. In this process, the body of water is consumed as well, and the result is a rapid loss of weight. But after a few months, the weight loss process tends to slow down, just as happens with other types of diets.

healthy diet program to lose weight

American Heart Association warns people of the Atkins diet, because saturated fat and protein content is very high where, posing difficulties for the heart, kidneys and bones. And the lack of fruits and vegetables is also worrisome, because these foods tend to reduce the risk of dementia, stroke and some cancers. Most experts believe that the South Beach diet and other food are less restrictive diets low carbohydrate diet while provide a more reasonable approach.

healthy diet program to lose weight

Studies on the choice of diet for Weight Loss

In another, compared to follow the diet for weight loss study, the people who followed the low-carb diet or who followed a Mediterranean-style diet at a rate of 10 pounds (equivalent to 4.5 kg), compared with a loss of 6 pounds (equivalent to 2.7 kg) on ​​average at People who applied the low-fat diet. 

In a 2008 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that people who followed a low-carbohydrate diet decreased cholesterol levels have more than those in the two other two, while improved upon those who follow the Mediterranean diet to control blood sugar levels. Your options for food, as well as specific health concerns,  factors into consideration when choosing a diet to lose weight.

There is another line of evidence about effective strategies for weight loss comes from a few carefully controlled experiments, conducted on volunteers suffering from obesity and underwent blindly either low-fat diet or low-carbohydrate diet, or a diet high proportion of protein. Above all, these experiments have shown that low-carbohydrate diet, as well as high-protein diet would lead towards losing weight faster than low-fat diet. In studies that lasted for a year or more, the weight loss is almost the same regardless of the type of diet. These studies have focused primarily on the weight, and it was very short to keep track of other important effects associated with diet, such as heart disease, diabetes and bone strength disease and cancer.

healthy diet program to lose weight

Overall results hide some amazing individual differences. In one experiment, all of the low-carbohydrate diet and low-fat diet, some people of their weight while increasing the weight of others. In the low-fat diet, the weight loss of between 31 to 53 lbs rate (equivalent to 14-24). In the low-carbohydrate diet, weight loss was between 18 to 68 lbs rate (the equivalent of 01/08 to 09/30 km).

healthy diet program to lose weight

Experts advise people diligence to receive a percentage of their calories from the main nutrients in the framework recommended by the federal principles:

Protein: 10% to 35%

Carbohydrates: 45% to 65%

Fat: 20% to 35%

You can use the calculators on the Internet or cell phone applications to see how the diet to reduce your weight. We note that the diet containing 45% less carbohydrate, or more than 35% of the protein is difficult to follow-up, and it's less effective than other diets. In addition to the possibility of increased risk of heart disease (see the low-carbohydrate diet: rapid weight loss, but the question is the long-term safety).

 The very low level of carbohydrate diet may have a negative effect on mood, according to several studies. Can be explained by different factors to this observation, including the fact that diets rich in carbohydrates enhance the level of serotonin in the brain, a neurotransmitter affecting mood. But it is possible that the low-carbohydrate diet to follow a big challenge (and frustrating as well) in the extent of its ability to continue, given the abundance of bread, pasta, rice and fruits in typical American diets.

healthy diet program to lose weight

Mediterranean model: fat and carbohydrates healthy rates, as well as large quantities of fruits and vegetables.

Just as there are good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates, as well as there are good fats and bad fats. Mediterranean diet focuses on good fats and good carbohydrates.

Saturated fat and trans fat and cholesterol is the "evil factors." Good fats are monounsaturated (found in olive oil, for example) and unsaturated (found in foods such as fish oil, corn and nuts). Mediterranean diet advocated .

 Willett, a professor at Harvard University, and is based on the saying: "Every drink, and weigh less." Diet includes a moderate amount of fat, but a lot of them come from monounsaturated fat, which is rich in omega-3 fats and health a high proportion of carbohydrates, but most of these unrefined carbohydrates come from fiber-rich foods. As well as a high proportion of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and fish, with modest amounts of meat and cheese.

healthy diet program to lose weight

People living in Mediterranean countries have lower-than-expected rate of heart disease. But the traditional way of life in this region also includes a lot of physical activity and regular patterns of eating, in addition to good social support. 

It's hard to know what is the relative role of these different factors, but there is increasing evidence that the diet itself can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Lesson to take with you to the house is that it is a good idea to apply the diet to lose weight yourself. If you followed the diet and tried the best they have been unsuccessful, perhaps this diet is misplaced and is not suitable for you, in terms of your metabolic process or your situation. Do not give up and flogged yourself, because the diet that "everybody out" did not work with you. You can try other types of diet.

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