Health Program to ensure the success of the Diet

Health program for food diet requires serious steps to get the desired result, which is to lose excess weight kg, in a specific period of time, thus requiring the challenge and seriousness in making the decision to lose weight with a healthy diet regime and more energetic life.

Here are some serious steps that bring you closer to the target with ease:
Health program to ensure the success of the diet

1. do the sport of walking and household movements for an hour a day, or attend sporting or group is working on a program to encourage you.

2. drink two liters of water every day, so add water and lemon slices to drink it. (Preferably warm lemon water).

3. waking up early so that it is between the hours of 6:00 until 9:00 at the latest .. breakfast will be half an hour after waking up and be in the drinking water, during which a minimum of two cups, then eat breakfast.

4. must be the three main meals a day and regularly, and in a specified between 12 am and 15 noon, for lunch and dinner between 6 and 8 at night time.

5-when feeling hungry can eat carrots or lettuce or choice between meals Xnak where vegetables contain any excess calories, but vegetables and fiber contents of water benefits the body and purge it of toxins.

6. must be eating very slowly, and the adoption of small dishes, and Enjoy your food.

7. between dinner and sleep to be at least two hours, and not to delay the dinner, to prevent fat storage.

8. Sleeping be early, before 12 at night, where hormones are working properly in the evening, and works digestion system and burn fat more efficiently.

9-important to respect the body clock, and live system and every meal at the time, and not to postpone the meal late, and not quantities fat consumption in the evening, especially in the winter, where the body is stored and therefore these fats appear after a short period in the overall shape and cause obesity .

10-lose weight gradually, where nutrition experts advised not to rush to get the ideal weight, and this is one of the most important tips and patience, but must accept the challenge and lack of boredom for yourself leak, even implement your goal to lose weight, and the success of the diet.

Until you get a normal weight by following a balanced diet that contains all the nutritional needs, with light exercise some sports, such as walking, a healthy lifestyle and is ideal for women in general.

 nutrition from the harsh diets or unbalanced pursued by some of the ladies, and those who may resort to it despite the danger to their health.

Do not forget that a healthy diet does not work unless the activity, sports and away from stress and anxiety.

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